| Read Time: 4 minutes | Car Accident

Common Causes of Brake Failure and What to Do

What Factors Can Cause Brakes to Fail or Fade? Brake failure can result from several factors, including worn brake pads, overheating components, or manufacturing defects. If your brakes fail due to improper maintenance or a defect, determining liability—whether it’s with the mechanic or manufacturer—can help you seek compensation for any damages or injuries caused. Brakes are one of your...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Personal Injury

Who Can Be Liable for Accidents at a Gym?

Have you ever gotten hurt while working out at the gym? If so, you might be wondering who’s responsible for your injuries and if you can take legal action. This blog explores situations where someone might be liable for gym injuries and your options for getting help. If you’ve been injured due to gym negligence or faulty equipment, don’t...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Slip and Fall

Slip and Fall on Ice: Who is Liable?

When you visit someone’s property, you trust them to provide a safe environment free of hazards that could cause injury. Unfortunately, unsuspecting patrons can be injured when owners neglect routine maintenance or fail to make repairs promptly. Managing ice accumulation is one of the biggest challenges businesses face during the colder months in Colorado. A slip and fall on...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Construction Accidents

How to File a Construction Accident Lawsuit

Construction sites are always hazardous, and if you’ve been injured due to someone’s negligence or a faulty product, you have rights and can seek compensation. Colorado law allows construction accident victims to file lawsuits, holding negligent parties accountable. Whether your injury occurred on-site or nearby, it’s crucial to understand the legal avenues available to you.  Gerash Steiner Blanton, P.C....

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Personal Injury

Types of Farming Equipment Injuries

Farming feeds nations, but it’s not without risks. In fact, in the U.S., agriculture has the highest rate of preventable fatal and non-fatal injuries by industry sector. Among these are the numerous hazards associated with farming equipment.In Colorad, most agriculture-related fatalities are from machinery operations, including tractors. Considering that Colorado boasts 38,800 farms and ranches, amounting to approximately 31.8...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Personal Injury

Injured by Equipment While Working: What to Do

Being injured by faulty equipment while working can lead to severe physical, financial, and emotional consequences. If you were injured by faulty machinery while working in Colorado, knowing the steps to take to protect yourself and your rights is essential. Knowledge is power, and the correct information can help you secure the compensation you deserve if you decide to...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Firm News

Michael Blanton Helps Secure $56 Million Verdict Against Ford

Gerash Steiner Blanton, P.C. is pleased to announce that our partner, Michael W. Blanton was part of a team that obtained a $56,575,000 verdict against Ford Motor Company in Colorado Springs Federal District Court on April 17, 2024. The case involved a Ford 1998 Exhibition that had a defect in the shift control system. The defect involved an improper...

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| Read Time: 5 minutes | Personal Injury

How to File an Insurance Claim for a Dog Bite in Colorado

Key Takeaway: In Colorado, if you suffer a dog bite, you may be eligible for compensation through the dog owner’s property insurance policy. The state’s dog bite law imposes strict liability on owners for serious injuries caused by their dogs. Compensation can cover economic damages such as medical bills and lost wages, while noneconomic damages like pain and suffering...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Insurance

How to File a Bad Faith Insurance Claim in Colorado

Colorado residents have specific legal avenues to pursue justice when an insurance company refuses to honor a legitimate claim. Our dedicated team of personal injury attorneys at Gerash Steiner Blanton, P.C., stands ready to answer your questions on how to file a bad faith insurance claim. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the steps you must take and the...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Truck Accidents

What Info to Collect After a Truck Accident

Situated in the middle of the country, the Centennial State is a hub for interstate commercial transportation involving large trucks, much of which goes smoothly. But there are plenty of cases where things have gone wrong, resulting in traumatic damage. If you or a loved one were in a vehicle accident with a semi-truck, you might be eligible to...

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